----------wh930604.zip 06-04a.txt Meeting in Oval Office with Lani Guinier 6:15PM 6.3.93 06-04b.txt Arlington National Cemetary: Remarks by the President 5.31.93 06-04c.txt President's Remarks to Central State Teams 6.3.93 06-04d.txt President's Remarks at Frederick Homebuilding Site 6.3.93 06-04e.txt President's Remarks on Withdrawal of Nomination 6.3.93 ----------wh930603.zip 06-03a.txt Philadelphia Speach 06-03b.txt Saturday Radio Address 5.29.93 06-03c.txt West Point Speech 06-03d.txt President's Remarks at Photo Op with CEOs 06-03e.txt President's Speech on the Economy 6.1.93 06-03f.txt President Names Jones Ambassador to Mexico 06-03g.txt Press Briefing by GEorge Stephanopoulos 6.2.93 06-03h.txt Revised Mulroney Phot Op Transcript 06-03i.txt President's Remarks on River Walk Tour 6.3.93 06-03j.txt Letter from the President & Vice President on E-Mail ----------wh930601.zip 06-01a.txt Emergency Medical Service Week 06-01b.txt Executive Order on China MFS 5.28.93 06-01c.txt President's Memorial Day Proclamation ----------wh930528.zip 05-28a.txt Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 5.26.93 05-28b.txt Transcript of CBS Town Hall Meeting 5.27.93 ----------wh930525.zip 05-25a.txt President Names Two to AMTRAK Board -- May 25, 1993 05-25b.txt President's REmarks at Photo Op with House Members 5.25.93 05-25c.txt President's Remarks to the Travel Pool 5.25.93 05-25d.txt Older Americans Month - 5.25.93 05-25e.txt President's Remarks at "Drive American Quality" Event 5.25 ----------05-23-93˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙No Files Received From White House source----------wh930520.zip 05-20a.txt Statement on Marine Helicopter Crash 05-20b.txt Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers -- May 20, 1993 (AM) 05-20c.txt TRanscript of President's Remarks at Motor-Voter Signing 05-20d.txt President's Remarks in Q&A with the Press 5.20.93 05-20e.txt Public Schedule of President Clinton 5.19.93 05-20f.txt President Invites Namibian President to Meet in Washington 05-20g.txt Remarks By The President On the Death Of John Wilson 5.20.93